Cessna 150-152 Club 2002 International Fly-In • Clinton, Iowa

2008 ] [ 2007 ] [ 2006 ] [ 2005 ] [ 2004 ] [ 2003 ] [ 2002 ] [ 2001 ]

Under Westerman's Wing
Feature Clinton 2002 Fly-In Photos
Feature Clinton 2002 Attendees
Feature Clinton 2002 Contest Results
Photos and Memories from the 2002 Fly-In are featured on our DVD "The Time of Your Life" available in the club store.

2002 Fly-In Interesting Facts
Total Attendees: 95 (63 first timers)
Total Airplanes: 81
Longest Distance Flown to Clinton: Trudy Lary, Tualatin, OR  1,739 miles.
Average Distance Flown to Clinton: 517 miles
Total Round Trip Miles Traveled: 93,102
(all distances statute miles, gps direct )
What I did on my Summer Vacation: Stories from Clinton 2002.
Feature Gordon Ellis
Feature Trudy Lary
Feature Stephen Mayotte
Feature Dave Odekirk
Feature Royson Parsons pt 1
Feature Royson Parsons pt 2
Feature Hung Pham
Feature Bruce Spencer
Feature Wil Venske
Feature Kent Washburn
Feature Wayne Westerman

To submit photos, stories, or additional Clinton 2002 Fly-In History email:  webmaster@cessna150152.com