Cessna 150-152 Club 2004 International Fly-In • Clinton, Iowa

2008 ] [ 2007 ] [ 2006 ] [ 2005 ] [ 2004 ] [ 2003 ] [ 2002 ] [ 2001 ]
Waynes Patio
Feature Clinton 2004 Photos
Feature Clinton 2004 Attendees
Feature Clinton 2004 Contest Results
Photos and Memories from the 2004 Fly-In are featured on our DVD "The Time of Your Life" available in the club store.

2004 Fly-In Interesting Facts
Total Attendees: 110 (49 first timers)
Total Airplanes: 83
Longest Distance Flown: Vera Martinovich, Duvall, WA  1,751 miles.
Average Distance Flown to Clinton: 492 miles
Total Round Trip Miles Traveled: 86,714
(all distances statute miles, gps direct )
What I did on my Summer Vacation: Stories from Clinton 2004.
Feature  James Bond
Feature  Jeff Davis
Feature  Ed Figuli
Feature  John Grinder
Feature  Greg Hopp
Feature  Bryan Oetting
Feature  Hung Pham
Feature  Harry Wiebe
Feature  Wayne Westerman

To submit photos, stories, or additional Clinton 2004 Fly-In History email:  webmaster@cessna150152.com